Blending Your Family and Figuring Out Your Finances, with Greg and Cami Goucher

Episode 16:

Greg and Cami Goucher are real estate investors in Ohio and are Co-Founders of Mingo Properties. They understand that life brings challenges that we cannot always foresee. They have experienced divorce, blending a family, being adult learners, and financial challenges.


Last year they both left their full-time W2’s to pursue their entrepreneurial dream. They bring empathy, compassion, and honesty to their business and those they work with. Greg and Cami are also certified coaches for Smart Real Estate and coach others in the Terms Real Estate niche.


What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • Why Greg and Cami decided to take the plunge into real estate investment full time
  • How they came up with a name for their company based on the suggestions of their wonderful blended family
  • What Mingo Properties does to help clients buy and sell their homes in a way that takes into account their specific circumstances
  • Ways that your credit can be damaged through no fault of your own and why you don’t have to rely on traditional methods of buying or selling a property to own a home
  • Some of the families that they have helped over the years and the challenges those families have faced
  • Why Greg and Cami prefer 48-month terms for sellers even though it often takes much less time to seal the deal
  • How Cami’s experience as a counselor has helped Mingo’s clients through the emotional aspects of selling a family home

