Blast Through Your Money Blocks, with Dr. Amanda Barrientez

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Episode 40:

Dr. Amanda Barrientez is the founder of NFA – No Fucking Around – Money. She’s known as “The Money Healer” because of her expertise in teaching entrepreneurs, just like you, how to break through their unconscious money blocks and create MONEY CONFIDENCE that gives them the ULTIMATE FREEDOM to design their life and business on their terms. One night, when Amanda was in the depths of despair, she decided that she was willing to do whatever it took to change her reality.


After going from food stamps to building a 6-figure business, Dr. Amanda’s been on a quest to teach entrepreneurs her 3-step NFA Money Formula™ so they can confidently attract easier money into their businesses with less stress and more joy.


What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • How Amanda went from food stamps to building a six-figure business
  • What the ‘No F**king Around’ philosophy is really about
  • Why the first step in making change is recognition
  • The three major catalysts for change
  • Why pain can be a powerful motivating force
  • What money blocks are, how we discover them, and how we can reframe our thinking around our finances
  • How Amanda helps business owners move past their limiting beliefs about money
  • Why aligning your values and your behavior enables you to stay in your zone of genius


How to Connect with Dr. Amanda:




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